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  • Writer's pictureKirk Espinoza

Journal 5

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

As we head into the final week of class in my first semester at Florida State University, I have been revising my work a lot more in ENC 1101 than I ever did in high school. I have been going to the Reading and Writing Center at the William’s building in order to get some feedback on my work prior to turning it in. I usually start my work a week in advanced so just in case I get really tired or bored, I come back to it with a fresh and ready to work mindset. Whenever someone gives me feedback, I give it a day or two before getting back to it. I have learned a lot about myself as a writer through the process of revision. I learned that I am not that bad of a writer, or at least I do not think I am because I barely get any negative comments. Maybe a grammatical error once in a while, but that is it and I am very proud of myself because I never give myself any credit on my writing. When I make any revisions, I am almost always positive that my grade will be affected in a positive manner because I only change what is bad. The E-portfolio has made me think a lot more about revision and the writing process. In high school I did not even think of looking at a paper I was going to turn in twice.

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